Rand Paul Being Sued For Embarrassing ‘The View’

The cast of The View isn’t exactly known for their intelligence when it comes to the issues of Second Amendment rights. The prevailing opinions they routinely espouse are only those of the far Left, so being misinformed and passing on that misinformation is pretty standard fare. Recently Rand Paul was a guest on the program and by virtue of nothing more than a straightforward explanation of some of the mechanical details surrounding some of today’s popular firearms he’s now facing a lawsuit for embarrassing them.

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It’s funny watching Republicans start to appear more and more on non-political shows, because the hosts (sometimes to the left of Mao) are so accustomed to having their leftist premises go unchallenged, they don’t know how to react when it actually happens. Exhibit Q is Rand Paul, who just spanked the ladies of “The View” so hard on their ignorance of Assault Weapons that Gloria Allred is filing suit.

“Truly automatic weapons we don’t have. We banned truly automatic weapons in I think 1934. What we have is not automatic weapons. It’s semi-automatic. So they fire in a fairly fast sequence, but you can’t pull the trigger and they come like a machine gun. Those are no longer out there.”

Paul then explained that “people do hunt and people also do shooting and sports shooting and target shooting” with semi-automatic weapons.

“Come to Kentucky and I’ll introduce you,” he told Goldberg. “There are a lot of people who like and enjoy this as a sport.”

Paul added, “But the other problem is if we take ownership away of specific types of guns, you really have to modify — something that big has to be either legislation or possibly a Constitutional amendment.”

I’ve talked about this for years. It’s also not news to anyone who owns a non-revolver handgun. Nearly every single pistol being sold today is a semi-automatic. That 9mm self-defense gun? Semi auto. That Glock 19? Semi-automatic. Your wife’s little pink, conceal-carry pistol? Likely a semi-automatic. Let me break it down for you as simply as possible.

One trigger pull, one bullet = semi-automatic. Legal

One trigger pull, countless bazillion bullets = fully automatic. Not legal except to a very select few with special licenses.

Not only do all firearm owners know this, but all the anti-Second Amendment politicians know this. They’re not that stupid. They also know “semi-automatic” is only one half-word away from “automatic” and so they muddy the waters on purpose, in order to gain more control over your personal defense rights.

The real problem here is Whoopi’s justification in the first place. “Nobody needs *fill in the blank*…”  Really? Who is Whoopi to say so? This is like when Joe Biden said “nobody needs an AR15” and advocated firing a double-barreled shotgun indiscriminately into the woods. How does Whoopi or Joe Biden understand every individuals’ “needs”?
Source: Louder With Crowder

The View is good about exercising their First Amendment rights, but they don’t handle views that oppose theirs very well. There was a time when the term “low-information voter” was all the rage, and these ladies seem to be stuck in a low-information rut from which they really want no rescue.

It brings to my mind a couple of the recent movements (#WalkAway and BLEXIT specifically) that have a mission to directly affect the liberal mindset with the intent to rescue them from the “plantation” of the Democrat, and those movements are led by former liberals who got some straight scoop, realized and admitted the error of their beliefs and changed course.

I think it would be nothing short of amazing if these ladies with such a public voice would change their minds because they recognized the error of their ways based on factual information and instead of pushing so much falsehood turned and became a voice for the betterment of America.

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