1. When you first start carrying concealed, it feels like the entire world knows

2. You give the most awkward hugs ever
3. This makes you scream
This is a screenshot from a Hickok45 video. It was instructional, we assure you that he knows exactly what he’s doing 
4. Every time you sit or stand up…
5. You avoid running certain errands
6. Your summer attire is sometimes…excessive. (ok, this is a little exaggerated, but you know what we’re talking about)
7. You smile your biggest smile when you stumble upon this before going into a business
8. You laugh your most sarcastic laugh when you stumble upon this before turning around and not going into that business
Source: mydoorsign.com
9. You plan trips around places that don’t allow you to concealed carry (this is a Reciprocity Map with Florida Non-Resident as the example)

10. Having to do your business in a public bathroom is more time consuming and more annoying than ever before

11. You have a drawer in your home strictly for holsters
12. You squat while shopping
13. You don’t reach too high
14. You’d rather have your drivers license taken away than have your pistol permit taken away

15. You buy pants a size or two larger than you normally wear
16. You get a little more nervous than usual when a police car is behind you
17. When you see a wall clock, you think about different carry positions
18. When you go out to eat, you sit in an area of the restaurant that gives you a view of the entrance and exit, as well as the entire floor
19. Your awareness of your surroundings is 100x higher than it was before you started carrying concealed
20. If you’re awake, you’re carrying concealed
21. You’ve had this happen to at least one pair of jeans
22. How naked you feel when you aren’t carrying
23. When you see someone with a Pro-Gun bumper sticker, you feel an urge to stick around in order to very-high-five them
24. Every time you hear of a lawful citizen using his firearm in self-defense, you wonder what Make, Model and Caliber was used
25. You cheer when you hear about people defending themselves with their concealed carry firearms
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