From Fox News: “It had long been illegal for unions to force non-members to pay for their explicitly political activity, but the Supreme Court’s ruling extended that prohibition to the payment of the agency fees, saying even those expenditures amounted to unconstitutionally coerced participation in the political activity of collective bargaining.
“In a statement, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) called the Trump administration’s move a “broad, coordinated attack against working people,” and said it would hurt minorities.
“The proposed CMS rule, combined with the Janus ruling, are two more efforts by the Trump Administration and billionaire-funded special interest groups to silence a workforce comprised of 90 percent women, most of whom are women of color, and to reduce the power of working people by making it more difficult for them to join together in a union to fight to ensure that our loved ones can get the care they need to live at home with dignity,” read a statement by Melody Benjamin, who SEIU said is a home care worker.”
President Trump has done many good things since he has been in office. But one of the best, in my opinion, is checking the power, graft, and corruption of the unions. SEIU can cry into their beer all they want, Trump is going to fix this.
“The law provides that Medicaid providers must be paid directly and cannot have part of their payments diverted to third parties outside of a few very specific exceptions,” Tim Hill, the acting director of the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services, said in a formal statement.
“This proposed rule is intended to ensure that providers receive their complete payment, and any circumstances in which a state does divert part of a provider’s payment must be clearly allowed under the law.” And if I read this correctly, notification must be given as well.
Republicans have long sought to put an end to the Obama-era rule, which many see as unethical and illegal. Wisconsin GOP Sen. Ron Johnson, who chairs the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, had urged the Trump administration to take action on the issue earlier this year.