8 Women Before and After Third-Wave Feminism Hit Them

Some of these are obvious and others could be someone else… all I know is that the photos of the women on the right are, well, strange and out there. Not that there’s anything wrong with me unique and different but come on… this is the sorta crap only a liberal would do (for life).

First up… man I really hope that’s not a permanent tattoo. What tattoo artist would do that? The ones I know call that a “career killer” and they refuse to do anything like this.

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This is just disgusting. How does she think she’s being “awesome” or “unique” doing this? It’s simply disgusting, as I said before.

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This one isn’t so bad… I like thicc women. Still, I’m sure she would be out on the streets protesting right along with the rest of’em.

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I wonder how she convinced herself that this entire “look” could work? Seriously? What was going on through her head?

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Maybe it’s the profile but I’m not quite convinced this is the same person. I mean, look at it!

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A little liberal celebrity never hurt anyone, right? This former-bae (the left-hand pic) is the infamous TRIGGERED meme (photo right). She\’s the who says being allegedly cyberbullied caused her to have PTSD and with that, a meme was born.

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And again… who convinced this one that this look would work?

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When you pick a fight with a weed whacker…

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Feminists don’t grow up. They’re locked in a state of perpetual adolescence. Their ultimate goal, like all liberals, is to get out of their responsibilities altogether by claiming they’re too oppressed offended upset to work and pay bills.

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