The flaming liberal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has been a constant thorn in the side of the Trump administration’s efforts to implement a travel ban on six countries known to be hotbeds of radical Islamic terrorism.
Putting judicial activism ahead of the safety of Americans while sticking it to President Trump, the ninth “circus” court as some conservatives refer to it, has been nothing but a bothersome and obstructionist entity that should be either cleaned up or closed down.
So often are the court’s decisions later smacked down – in Trump’s case by the Supreme Court – that it only serves as an impediment to justice and a drain on taxpayer money.
Now in a bit of news that should surprise nobody, a powerful judge who sits on the bench for the “circus” court has been accused of being a pervert by multiple women including one who claims that he invited her into his office to show her pornographic images on his computer.
Heidi Bond, who clerked for Kozinski from 2006 to 2007, said the porn was not related to any case. One set of images she remembered was of college-age students at a party where “some people were inexplicably naked while everyone else was clothed.” Another was a sort of digital flip book that allowed users to mix and match heads, torsos and legs to create an image of a naked woman.
Bond is one of six women — all former clerks or more junior staffers known as externs in the 9th Circuit — who alleged to The Washington Post in recent weeks that Kozinski, now 67 and still serving as a judge on the court, subjected them to a range of inappropriate sexual conduct or comments. She is one of two former clerks who said Kozinski asked them to view porn in his chambers.
In a statement, Kozinski said: “I have been a judge for 35 years and during that time have had over 500 employees in my chambers. I treat all of my employees as family and work very closely with most of them. I would never intentionally do anything to offend anyone and it is regrettable that a handful have been offended by something I may have said or done.”
Kozinski provided the statement after The Post called and emailed a spokesman with a detailed list of the allegations this story would include. After the story posted online, the judge told the Los Angeles Times, “I don’t remember ever showing pornographic material to my clerks” and, “If this is all they are able to dredge up after 35 years, I am not too worried.”
FACTCHECK.ORG noted that our headline stated Judge Alex Kozinski “struck down” President Donald Trump’s original travel ban, however, Factcheck stated he actually opposed its suspension. Our headline was incorrect. We changed the headline to read “9th Circuit Judge Who Dissented Block Of Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban.” We also added to the story: “In March of 2017, after the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court’s temporary block of Trump’s original executive order instituting a travel ban on people who came from several countries with predominantly Muslim populations, Kozinski issued a dissent of the decision and criticized three of his colleagues who made it. In his dissent, Kozinski wrote in part: “the panel’s reasoning rests solely on Due Process. But the vast majority of foreigners covered by the executive order have no Due Process rights. Nevertheless, the district court enjoined the order’s travel provisions in their entirety, even as applied to the millions of aliens who have no constitutional rights whatsoever because they have never set foot on American soil.””