Lady Gaga Slams Mike Pence as ‘Worst Representation of a Christian’

Singer and Golden-Globe winner Lady Gaga has joined with liberal Hollywood in blasting Donald Trump’s administration on the ongoing government shutdown and the second lady’s teaching art at a Christian school that bans homosexual employees, students, and families.

The singer, who is an enthusiastic supporter of the LGBTQ community, riled up social media when she slammed Vice President Mike Pence over his wife’s decision to teach children at Virginia’s Immanuel Christian School.

The school refused to hire employees associated with the LGBTQ community or admit students or accept students who engage in homosexual activity.

The Vice president defended his wife’s’ decision saying criticism of Christian education should stop”.

“To see major news organizations attacking Christian education is deeply offensive to us… We have a rich tradition in America of Christian education and frankly religious education broadly defined”, Pence told Eternal World Television Network, noting that the “freedom of religion is enshrined in the Constitution of the United States.”Lady Gaga blasted Pence during her “Enigma” performance in Las Vegas saying he was “wrong” with his anti-discrimination rant.

“You are the worst representation of what it means to be a Christian.”

“So you can take all that disgrace Mr. Pence, and you can look yourself in the mirror, and you’ll find it right there,” she said.

Trump was not left out of the attack as Gaga criticized him over the partial government shutdown because of the border issue with the Democrats.“The f**king president of the United States could please put our government back in business,” Gaga ranted.“Some people live paycheck to paycheck and need their money,” she said.

Gaga’s rant received a mixed response as some applauded her statement and slammed Mike Pence.

Others doubted her being the voice of Christianity.

Trump has made proposals offering a compromise to end the government shutdown, but many of the Democrats including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have rejected it.

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