Watchdog Groups Discovers Clinton’s Entire Server Could Have Been Classified

Once again Judicial Watch is leading the way exposing Hillary Clinton’s private server she used to thwart FOIA. Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said that the FBI warned about Hillary Clinton’s massive compromise of national security with her private email system, then covered it up!

Hillary Clinton’s national security breach was so egregious, the FBI said that her entire email system could have been classified.

Tom Fitton read a report by an intelligence official who was appalled at the amount of classified information found on Hillary’s private server.

“While working with this inspector, I have reviewed hundreds of documents in the HRC collection.” Fitton said reading a report by an intel official. “I can now say without reservation that there are literally hundreds of classified emails in this collection, maybe more. For example, there are comments by Department staff in emails relating to WikiLeaks….this material is subject to FOIA litigation…”

Fintton goes nuclear on Clinton: “…The emails will now have to be found, reviewed and upgraded under EO 13526 — IT WILL BE OUR RIGHT TO CLASSIFY THE ENTIRE HRC COLLECTION AT THE SECRET LEVEL BECAUSE OF THE MOSAIC EFFECT.”

“Did you hear that?” he shouted. “The government could have classified all of Clinton’s email.”

Fitton also pointed out that Hillary Clinton in 2011 signed a memo to all State Department employees warning them against using private email accounts to conduct official government business — Hillary signed the memo yet she continued to send and receive emails over her non “” emails accounts!

Remember, if not for Judicial Watch, the American public would not know about Hillary Clinton’s private server.

Judicial Watch blew the case wide open a few years ago and continued to receive tranches of Hillary Clinton’s emails which revealed classified information was found on her private server, including the name of a clandestine CIA agent.

Now that Rosenstein and Mueller can no longer run defense at the Justice Department, Republican Senate chairs of three very powerful committees are demanding Bill Barr look into the FBI’s sham investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private server.


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