‘Angel families’ DEMAND Oakland Mayor Face Jail Time

The mayor of Oakland, Libby Schaaf, has opened up a whole world of hurt on herself after warning illegals of impending ICE raids.

Now, Angel Families are going after her, demanding she faces jail time and urging the Attorney General to hold her accountable to the fullest extent of the law allowed. Angel Families are the parents of children who have been killed by illegals.

“When I first heard, I was beside myself, fuming, infuriated and completely outraged about the lawless, reckless and very dangerous behavior of that disrespectful mayor… Not only did she endanger ICE agents and law enforcement, but all the citizens not just in her community, but all over near and far.” – Durden’s statement to Fox News

As Written and Reported by Adam Shaw for Fox News:

The parents of children killed by illegal immigrants are demanding that the Trump administration take a tough stance against a California mayor who thwarted a federal immigration raid this month — urging that she face consequences and even jail time.

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf sparked national outrage when she pre-empted the raid in Northern California by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials by announcing it on Twitter.

“How dare you!” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a speech last week in which he also announced a lawsuit against California for its “sanctuary” policies — which limit local law enforcement officials from complying with federal immigration authorities’ access to illegal immigrants.

“How dare you needlessly endanger the lives of our law enforcement officers to promote a radical, open borders agenda,” Sessions said.

Striking a similar tone of outrage, President Donald Trump said in California on Tuesday, “What happened in Oakland was a disgrace to our nation.”

While the raid picked up hundreds of illegal immigrants, ICE officials say hundreds more evaded capture — including hardened criminals……

KEEP READING THERE IS WAY MORE HERE: ‘Angel families’ want to see Oakland mayor prosecuted for thwarting ICE raids | Fox News

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