As Sarah Exits Briefing, Hot Mic Catches Devastating Remark – She’s Suffered Too Much

After White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders finished answering a question about EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, she ended her latest press briefing. Sanders really got into it with a number of reporters this last Tuesday during questions over the President and his administration. It was a very contentious exchange. She even had to tell one of the reporters to stop talking so she could answer a question. But as bad as the press briefing was, one of the ugliest moments came afterward on a hot mic as Sanders ended the press briefing. As she was walking out of the room Playboy White House reporter Brian Karem was caught on video shouting, “What color is the sky in the President’s world?” That’s rude and insulting.

This is Karem’s way of jabbing at President Trump, insinuating that he operates in an alternate universe. It isn’t the first time this particular reporter has attacked Sanders and Trump and it won’t be the last. He really should have his press credentials pulled. If you can’t act like a professional, then you don’t belong in the White House press briefings. This is the level of civility and discourse the press currently shows to the Trump administration.

Sarah did not bother to answer, she just continued on out of the room. I don’t blame her. She was correct in not dignifying the hateful question with a response. Never feed the trolls. And Karem doesn’t know when he’s making a fool of himself either. Later, he retweeted someone’s compliment about his question. “I just want the questions answered,” he tweeted. No, he didn’t. He just wanted to be combative and try and embarrass Sarah and President Trump.

Karem shouted at Sanders last month: “Has the President ever lied to us?” She didn’t answer him then either. This wasn’t the first time Karem caught media attention for something rude he did in the briefing room. Last year, he accused Sanders of “inflaming” American resentment toward the media. “C’mon, you’re inflaming everybody right here, right now, with those words,” he said after Sanders suggested the media should scrutinize its reporting more.


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