Rubio: Assad, Putin Now Understand There Could Be Consequences Tori McNabb News For You April 7, 2017Assad, Putin, Iran, Hezbollah and others now understand there could be consequences other than a nasty letter from the UN.
Trump Making Strides With President of China Tori McNabb News For You April 7, 2017Donald Trump has made his stance on China very clear, he is not going let them get away with screwing us on trade deals anymore.
HA! Susan Rice Praises Obama For Getting Assad To Turn Over Chem. Weapons Without “Use Of Force” Tori McNabb News For You April 7, 2017Good lord... they just can't help themselves, can they?
Zerlina Maxwell Suggests Trey Gowdy Won’t Conduct ‘Transparent’ Russia Investigation Tori McNabb News For You April 7, 2017"The Benghazi guy is taking over, so that’s not necessarily something that Democrats will appreciate that much."
NSFW: Shia LaBeouf Shouting “F*#K YOU RACIST” for no reason Tori McNabb News For You April 6, 2017Something about Grey Goose and french fries making the bartender a racist...
Breaking News: Tillerson says coalition forming to target Assad, Trump hearing military options Tori McNabb News For You April 6, 2017It's about time!
Thomas Massie: “The First Casualty of War is the Truth” Tori McNabb News For You April 6, 2017You can see how frustrated Kate Bolduan is as she attempts to deflect
Journalists Want Trump Removed From Office Tori McNabb News For You April 6, 2017“The media will not say it, but their position is he never should have been elected and he should be removed from office. Don't kid yourself.... They want him out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.”
Don Lemon shocked when accused of “drinking kool-aid” Tori McNabb News For You April 6, 2017It's almost like he still never expects one to give him a good'ol clapback, ya know?
OUTRAGEOUS! Corn claims Susan Rice is only being attacked because she’s black Tori McNabb News For You April 6, 2017Just start swinging wild. You're bound to hit something, right?
LOL! See what Harvard students think if ISIS Tori McNabb News For You April 6, 2017"Terrorism is not a big deal" -- GIVE ME A BREAK!
Is Susan Rice indirectly responsible for the Trump leaks? Tori McNabb News For You April 6, 2017Glenn Beck discusses the Susan Rice debacle like no other can.