Barack And Michelle Just Went On Secret Mission Against Trump Behind His Back And It’s Bad

President Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama have remained in the public eye since they left office over a year and a half ago. despite their promises to remain silent and let the new and current administration take over in a peaceful transition. now they are going on overload going on a mission behind President Trumps back to undermine the work of his administration to try and push their radical left agenda. Which is why their recent actions should not shock you.

Chicks on the Right reported, “President George W. Bush stayed quiet for the most part during the Obama years and most people felt like that was the right move. It’s a shame that Bush has felt the need to speak out against Trump and that’s a different discussion as to what that says about Bush’s conservatism but the general consensus is that staying quiet is a classy move when presidents leave office. Obama didn’t go that route. He’s been running around bashing Trump at basically every turn and his wife Michelle has been right there with him. Here’s the latest example.

Michelle Obama slammed US President Donald Trump for being ‘mediocre’ during a speech at a charity event in Scotland – but ruled herself out of ever running for president. The former First Lady arrived in Edinburgh on Tuesday evening for the charity event organized by The Hunter Foundation and described as her first official international appearance since leaving the White House.

While talking about Trump, she said: ‘There’s something wrong with us as women that we would make that choice… we can’t be okay with mediocrity with men, but demand excellence from women.’ Her strong words against Trump come just hours after her husband Barack gave a sharp rebuke to Trump by warning that ‘strongman politics are ascendant’ in a speech in Johannesburg, South Africa.”

The BBC reported, “Former US first lady Michelle Obama has spoken of her hopes for the future at a charity event in Edinburgh. She said the world we had created was “not safe” for girls – but that she wanted her own daughters to be treated equally so they can “learn and grow”. Judy Murray, Mark Beaumont and Beverley Knight were among 900 guests at the fundraising dinner. Mrs Obama, whose autobiography is out later this year, also said she was planning a family vacation to Scotland. A table for 10 at the Hunter Foundation event cost £5,000, with profits distributed to over 1,000 good causes via the Kiltwalk charity.

What makes this story even worse is the fact that President Trump told the public that both Michelle Obama and Barack Obama promised to remain out of the public eye and that they wouldn’t comment on what the administration did.

At a forum in Lima, Peru Obama said: “I want to be respectful of the office and give the president-elect an opportunity to put forward his platform and his arguments without somebody popping off.”

This was a courtesy that the Bush administration extended them when they came into power and now they were going to extend it to the Trump family. However, they have failed to stay true to their word.

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