Ben Shapiro: Democrats Are Lying, No Incentive To Work With Trump Admin

On Friday, Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro joined former George W. Bush Press Secretary Dana Perino on Fox to discuss President Trump eliciting praise from members of both parties for his air strike against a Syrian air base. Michael Meehan, former senior communications advisor to John Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign, also participated in the discussion.

Ben Shapiro, Editor-in-Chief of Daily Wire, appeared on Fox along with Dana Perino to give his point of view on Trump’s recent praising from both major political parties. But Shapiro is not fooled, he says the Democrats are lying.

Perino: “Ben, I do think the president still has to get Republicans to work together; that hasn’t changed. On your podcast that I listened to this morning, you talked about some of your hopes and your fears, based on some of the changes that President Trump has been making, going from his campaign rhetoric to now, his governing responsibilities. What can you say about those?”

Shapiro: “My fear is that President Trump sort of picks these issues off the tree, and what he’ll do is decide one way on one issue, one way on another issue, and then, whoever cheers him the loudest he will be friends with for the time being, and that’s what I fear with Democrats.”

I don’t think so, because I think the fact is that if you stand for nothing, you’re going to fall for anything, and then when it comes to President Trump, if he is taking a position on a particular issue, and then Jared and Ivanka take that position, but they also take a bunch of other positions that are friendly with Democrats, he’s more likely to swing to those positions because they cheered him on a separate issue. In other words, it seems to me the frightening thing could be that President Trump responds to applause rather than responding to his own gut. I think his own people would like him to respond to his gut, but I think that his gut is largely geared toward “Who cheers me the loudest?” And so, if he makes a decision that Democrats like, I think right now he’s going to be a lot friendlier to Democrats because Democrats just cheered him on what he did on Syria even though I think they’re completely unrelated.

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