I’m starting to think that all of this attention former Vice President Joe Biden is grabbing is a prelude to an attempted 2020 run, but maybe I’m wrong.
First, he stated that he would have fought Trump for his perceived behavior if they were in school together — eventually saying that he wishes he didn’t say that and now he’s denouncing what he calls the “prostitution of the Second Amendment.”
“I think the Second Amendment is being badly interpreted; it’s not consistent with what our founders intended,” Biden said, according to CBS News. “What’s happened here is the nation as a whole has decided it can no longer, in my view, continue to turn a blind eye to the prostitution of the Second Amendment here and can no longer turn a blind eye to the enormous damage being done not just in our schools but on our streets.”
Biden praised the work of the far-left Parkland students who organized the “March For Our Lives” and who have called Republican lawmakers and the NRA “child murderers.”
“This was totally, thoroughly spontaneously on the part of the students, there was no adult inspiration for this,” Biden claimed. “They insisted and that’s why guys like me who led in the gun issue did not show up to speak, we wanted to make sure everybody knew this was a spontaneous, thoroughly spontaneous effort on the part of young people.”
“These millions of kids, they’re impacting on their parents’ sense of responsibility and you’re going to see it in the polls, you’re going to see it change, it’s already a movement, it’s real and I predict to you it’s not going to stop,” Biden continued.
Just weird… right? Like, it’s pretty cut and dry if you ask me (the Second Amendment) and leftys just seem to go really far with their own left field interpretation of it.