LIBERAL Rep Just Called On Military To Overthrow Trump After Declaring POTUS As An Enemy

Cue outrage as the media, political pundits, and talking heads are all aflutter this morning with claims that President Donald Trump’s language and demeanor on Monday’s summit in Helsinki with Russian President Vladimir Putin was somehow treasonous. The summit is being billed as the #TreasonSummit on Twitter came just a scant 72 hours after the Department of Justice issued its unsourced and suspiciously timed indictment of 12 Russian officials for hacking the DNC despite having never even laid eyes on the DNC server.

The DOJ “indicts” 12 Russians that will never stand trial just one business day prior to President Trump meeting with Putin. The mainstream media goes into overdrive cranking out propaganda hit pieces like New York Times veteran employee Charles Blow’s Sunday op-ed “Trump, Treasonous Traitor” hours before the event even took place.

President Trump and Putin held a joint press conference and pointed out that both sides are to blame for the poor relationship the countries have. Then he declined the opportunity to slam Putin for buying some Facebook ads in the 2016 election.

President Trump’s position has more or less been that peace with Russia is more important than election meddling, which did not influence the election. America is far from innocent in this process as they have been meddling in the elections of foreign nations for a long time. Perhaps let us simply mend fences and call it a day. Move forward as two nuclear superpowers and work together. I believe we call that diplomacy?

Then former CIA Director John Brennan called President Trump’s performance at the Summit “nothing short of treasonous” yet he himself effectively called for a coup against the president should President Trump give the order to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Yet in July 2018 Brennan told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer at the Aspen Security Forum – “I think it’s the obligation of some executive branch officials to refuse to carry that out. I would just hope that this is not going to be a partisan issue. That Republicans, Democrats are going to see that the future of this government is at stake and something needs to be done for the good of the future.”

After the Summit, Cohen revealed he meant every word quite literally as he then took to Twitter to call for the military to rise up against a sitting President. Cohen tweeted – “Where are our military folks? The Commander in Chief is in the hands of our enemy!”

Cohen meanwhile makes it a habit to disrespect the very same military that he is calling on to rise up against a sitting president from believing Purple Hearts should go to liars and traitors to sitting down at a Memphis Grizzlies playing with his cell phone during the National Anthem.

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