BOOM! GOP Voters Put HUGE DENT In “Blue Wave” – Outpacing Liberals In Early Voting

At least we hope, right? This is some pretty good news, folks. It seems that despite all their rhetoric and b.s. that the blue wave has had something of a dent put into it as Republicans out far outpacing the Democrats when it comes to early voting for the November elections.

According to NBC News:

Key Senate races are underway in seven of those eight states and will prove pivotal in determining which party controls the chamber.

The latest data suggests robust enthusiasm among early Republican voters that could put a dent in Democratic hopes for a “blue wave” in next month’s midterm elections.

Republicans typically dominate early voting by absentee ballots, while Democrats tend to have the advantage with in-person early voting. So, for example, the entire early voting picture in Florida, which has yet to begin in-person voting, is incomplete.

This should be a sign to THEM that WE THE PEOPLE are sick of the alt-left PC culture crap! And we really are, aren’t we? If the blue wave fails to come to fruition, I expect we’ll see more calls from the left for some sort of voter reform.

The data provided by TargetSmart and analyzed by NBC News also revealed additional patterns in early voting.

Women voters have outpaced men voters so far in Florida (55 percent to 45 percent), Georgia (54 percent to 46 percent), Indiana (53 percent to 46 percent), Montana (49 percent to 48 percent), Tennessee (52 percent to 48 percent) and Texas (59 percent to 41 percent), the data showed.

Male voters have outpaced women voters so far in Nevada (49 percent to 47 percent), the data shows. In Arizona, 48 percent of men and 48 percent of women have voted so far.

Suburban voters have outpaced rural and urban voters in Florida (43 percent suburban, 34 percent urban, 22 percent rural), Georgia (57 percent suburban, 31 percent rural, 12 percent urban), Indiana (45 percent suburban, 39 percent rural, 16 percent urban), and Tennessee (56 percent suburban, 33 percent rural, 11 percent urban).

Meanwhile, rural voters have outpaced suburban and urban voters in Montana, and urban voters have outpaced rural and suburban voters in Arizona and Texas.

SHARE THIS and encourage your REPUBLICAN FRIENDS to go out and vote!

Especially since because crap like the video below is going around…

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