BOOM! Jovan Pulitzer Make Big Announcement on Forensic Audit of Michigan Ballots

By now, you should be familiar with the name Jovan Pulitzer. Pulitzer is a forensic analyst who is an expert on paper.

He can tell you if someone who smokes has touched a piece of paper or if a ballot is genuine.

This is the man who says that if fraud took place in the election with the mail-in ballots, he would be able to tell very easily.

He even went as far as to say that it wouldn’t even take that long to do it. I think that this is something that should be done in every state to verify that everything was legitimate.

I understand the idea of not conducting an audit unless there is sufficient evidence that something bad did take place, but in this case something bad DID take place. I would also say that going forward, forensic audits should become the standard following any election of this magnitude.

If they’re not going to make sure that things are secure, we’re just going to have to go back and check it out ourselves.

Pulitzer announced though that he has secured the funding needed to conduct kinematic forensic audit in Michigan. The only thing left to do now would be to get the lawmakers in Michigan to vote on this to make it happen and get to work so we can get closer to vindicating President Trump and most Americans who know that what happened on November 4th was not legitmate.

I think he’s going to run into a problem here because I don’t think that they’re just going to hand over the ballots to Pulitzer and whoever else he has with him to conduct this sort of detailed forensic audit to search for kinematic artifacts on the ballots.

The Democrats know what they will find and there will be no explaining their way out of that one. I hope that he can team up with a good audit team in Michigan to get this audit done that way Michigan and be exposed.

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