BREAKING: $1.8 BIL Of Soros’ Money Just Intercepted – He Could Officially Go To Prison For Years

Fox News said this about Soros in California:

“Soros reportedly spent over $1.5 million on a political action committee to prop up the San Diego County candidacy of Geneviéve Jones-Wright, who attacked policies “criminalizing poverty” and pledged to form a police misconduct unity.

“In total, Soros’ spending reached nearly $3 million this week on races for district attorney positions. Such large cash infusions and support for liberal groups are crucial for contenders as most elections are limited by the $800 individual contribution limit, leaving most campaigns scrambling for cash and relying on unpaid volunteers.”

“The flows of money remain unclear as federal laws allow nonprofit advocacy groups hide the source of their funding and are required to provide only a summary of their spending.”

“Jones-Wright’s opponent, career prosecutor Summer Stephan, has yet to match the money donors spent against her campaign. Her $1.1 million support came mostly from police unions and other prosecutors, the Times reported.”

“Stephan slammed Soros’ backing for her opponent, declaring it a public safety threat. But Jones-Wright dismissed the alarmist tone, saying the funding merely gives voice to minorities and poor people who are left behind in prosecutor races.”

“I love it!” she said at a recent fundraiser, according to the Times. “If he didn’t take an interest in this campaign, it would be an even more uneven playing field.”

Alameda County District Attorney Nancy O’Malley is up for re-election this time around. She was shocked to find out that she was on Soros’ hit list to be ousted. Especially since she’s a registered Democrat and has earned endorsements from U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris, D-CA and other organized labor and Democratic groups. For some reason, she’s being savaged by the left in California. The Soros PAC is accusing her of implementing “racist” stop-and-frisk policies. Her opponent, civil rights lawyer Pamela Price, promises to end such policies and blasted O’Malley for being supported by law enforcement groups. Cops are the bad guys in the world of Soros.

Wealthy progressive donors are also backing Diana Becton in Contra Costa County. She was appointed district attorney of the county after her predecessor was forced to resign amid a political corruption scandal. Her challenger, a veteran prosecutor, slammed the support from the wealthy, saying “billionaires who apparently think Contra Costa’s public safety is for sale.” That about sums it up, don’t you think?

As the Los Angeles Times pointed out, in most district attorney elections, the campaign playbook is clear: Win over the local cops and talk tough on crime. But in California this year, the strategy is being turned on its head. Support the police and they want you gone. It’s a direct slap at President Trump and the rule of law and George Soros is in the thick of it.

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