A recent report is proving what many knew and others suspected, yet those in opposition and some in the mainstream media deny. This new report offers undeniable and irrefutable proof that the Obama administration knowingly provided an Islamic terrorist-financing organization with hundreds of thousands of dollars. This was in spite of the fact that the group has been designated as a terrorist-funding organization for more than a decade by the United States government.
Yet officials serving in the Obama administration saw fit to approve the release of well over $100,000 to Khartoum-based Islamic Relief Agency (ISRA). Even after officials were specifically advised that this group was directly affiliated with known al-Qaeda operatives Osama bin Laden and Maktab al-Khidamat (MK), they knowingly released this money into the hands of known terrorists that meant harm to America and her people.
Also known by the name the Islamic African Relief Agency (IARA), the group then received an additional $200,000 taxpayer-funded grant from the Obama administration. In case you missed that – despite their ties to known terror affiliates of a group named a terrorist group more than 10 years prior, the Obama administration saw fit to release $115,000 to the organization. Then when officials were specifically told of the terror designation and affiliations with al-Qaeda, in case they somehow missed the memo, Obama administration officials doubled down and released an additional $200,000 in a taxpayer-funded grant to the same terror-affiliated group!
Hell… here’s Hillary’s two cents as well: