According to The Daily Caller, the six-page letter had this to say:

• In September of 2016 … the CHA and [IG] briefed the former Chairman of the Democratic Caucus about suspicious activity related to their server that the [IG] identified. As a result, the former Chairman of the Democratic Caucus directed the CAO to copy the data from their server and two computers.

• The CHA directed the IG to refer the matter to the US Capitol Police. The USCP initiated an investigation that continues to this day.

• In late 2016, the former Chairman of the Democratic Caucus announced his intention to resign from Congress to assume a new position. The CAO and [sergeant-at-arms] worked with the Chairman to account for his inventory, including the one server.

• While reviewing the inventory, the CAO discovered that the serial number of the server did not match that of the one imaged in September. [Investigators] also discovered that the server in question [the replacement server] was still operating under the employee’s control, contrary to the explicit instructions of the former chairman to turn over all equipment and fully cooperate with the inquiry and investigation. [A House source said the “employee” was Abid Awan.]

• The USCP interviewed relevant staff regarding the missing server.

• On January 24, 2017, the CAO acquired the [replacement] server from the control of the employees and transferred that server to the USCP.

Becerra is now California’s attorney general. He failed to ensure that the Awans didn’t have access to House computer systems during the 2016 election. He is absolutely complicit in this major security breach. He knew of the problems with the Awans months before the server disappeared. Who knows what information was leaked to foreign entities. It’s too late now to get it back. “The Caucus Chief of Staff requested one of the shared employees to not provide IT services or access their computers,” an IG presentation from September 2016 read. “This shared employee continued.” It’s unclear why that request was not granted or why it was a request rather than an order.

The employee was evidently Abid, who was not on Becerra or the Caucus’ payroll. An official said Becerra Chief of Staff Sean McCluskie apparently knew Abid was accessing Caucus servers. According to payroll records, Abid’s sister-in-law, Hina Alvi, was the Caucus’ systems administrator. It was a fraud scheme kept in the family. Even after Becerra suspected something very bad was going on, he did nothing and that enabled them to get to the server which had evidence on it.

“These employees accessed user accounts and computers for offices that did not employ them, without the knowledge and permission of the impacted Member’s office,” the memo said, adding, “4 of the employees accessed the Democratic Caucus computers 5,735 times.” More than 100 office computers were open to access from people not on the office’s staff, the memo stated.

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