The Call This Umpire Made No One Would Second Guess

Major-league Umpire John Tumpane spotted a woman climbing the side of the Roberto Clemente Bridge in Pittsburgh and he had a feeling something wasn’t right. He saved her life along with others at the scene.

“It was just pure instinct,” Tumpane told reporters. “You hear kind of stories of this all the time, different scenarios, people aiding and situation where I was lucky enough to be there to help and try to think of everything I could do, hanging onto her. At times, she wanted to go the other way. I was like, ‘Not on my watch, please.’ We were just hanging on.” …

“Once they were able to secure her, we were able to talk her back to help us out and we got her back on this side,” Tumpane said.

“After that I went up to her, she said, ‘You’ll just forget me after this’ and I said, ‘No, I’ll never forget you.’ This was an unbelievable day and I’m glad to say she can have another day with us and I’m glad I was in the right place at the right time.”

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