John Dickerson, of CBS, lays it down for Tom Perez, the DNC Chairman. Perez is a well-known “potty-mouth” and often uses foul language to get his point across. I mean, same here… but I’m not the head of a major political party, either. Though it’s being compared this new Donald Trump Era, Dickerson says two wrongs don’t make a right… and he’s right.
While POTUS Trump often uses off-color commentary it doesn’t mean Perez should, too. In a recent bit of editorializing for his Sunday show Face the Nation Dickerson opined that everyone needs to step back and reconsider the language that they choose to use.
The chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Tom Perez has been swearing a lot lately.
Gone is Michelle Obama’s advice for handling the opposition.
The best Democratic line of the last campaign, and words we should all live by. This is about more than crass language. In times of tension do you keep your standards or do you drop them?