Chuck Schumer Thinks Rules Don’t Apply To Him On Flight, Immediately Gets Taught Huge Lesson

Apparently, Schumer objected to a 300-day delay in appointing a Justice, was perfectly fine filibustering a Supreme Court nominee for 543 days?

Yet, not only is Schumer a hypocrite, he also believes the rules simply do not apply to him. Schumer was flying with his political protégé, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand on a US Airways flight from LaGuardia Airport to Washington.

Both Schumer and Gillibrand were talking on their cellphones while the plane was boarding and continued to do even after the plane’s captain made the announcement for passengers to turn them off. The two Senators simply ignored the announcement and continued to talk on their phones. This prompted a flight attendant to politely ask the two Senators to simply follow the Federal Aviation Administration rules and simply turn their phones off as all the other passengers on the plane had already done.

According to a House Republican aide who was also on the flight and seated nearby, Schumer demanded to finish his call. The flight attendant told him “No” because the entire plane was waiting on him to shut his phone off in accordance with FAA regulations so they could take off. He was holding up the entire flight.

Schumer then ended the call, but promptly began to rage at the flight attendantproclaiming he was entitled to continue his phone conversation until the cabin door was closed.

The aide then responded to Schumer’s ridiculous antics, stating – “She said she doesn’t make the rules, she just followed them.” As she walked away, Schumer was heard muttering, “Bitch!”

Rather than being embarrassed for Schumer’s sanctimonious and pretentious outburst, Gillibrand attempted to cover for Schumer. She initially claimed the senior senator was “polite” and that “he turned off his phone when asked to.”

Once the story of the true version of events was made public, circulating the news – Gillibrand’s office made a second statement with a correction.

Brian Fallon, a spokesman for Schumer, said later that “[t]he senator made an off-the-cuff comment under his breath that he shouldn’t have made, and he regrets it.”

Gillibrand’s aide, Glen Caplin, said – “Chuck did the right thing by apologizing.”

The flight attendant accepted his apology but also stated Schumer has a reputation that precedes him – “He is NOT nice!”

After the incident Schumer was very critical and extremely vocal, condemning Republicans for “trying to score cheap political points” from the incident. Yet as evidenced by Schumer’s own words and actions that this seems to be HIS issue, not that of a flight attendant, or Supreme Court Justice nominee, the Russians, or President Trump.

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