CNN’s White House Correspondent Says He’s Been ‘Blackballed?’

Jim Acosta, CNN’s senior White House correspondent, continually interrupted White House press secretary Sean Spicer and now he’s decided to take to the air to complain about the matter.

In all, CNN interrupted another member of the press 5 times in one briefing… guess that’s what they consider “hard hitting journalism”…

At one point, Sean Spicer had called on a reporter who had raised her hand. Acosta took this opportunity to speak up, over the woman, and ask if President Trump believes the health care bill in the Senate is “mean”, LOL… Spicer replied, “There’s no camera on Jim.” Acosta then repeatedly asked, “Why don’t you turn the cameras on?” Spicer then apologized to the reporter Acosta was interrupting.

After it was all said and done, Acosta then did a stand-up shot from the White House. There he complained to his viewers that “Sean Spicer has refused to take questions from CNN for weeks now.”

“We’ve largely been just blackballed during these briefings,” Acosta said.

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