“COMEDIAN” CHRIS ROCK Openly Calls for White Kids to Be Shot

Chris Rock: “I want to live in a world where an equal amount of white kids are shot every month” he continued “I want to see white mothers on TV crying”.

The narrative continues.

Isn’t this considered to be hate speech? Chris Rock has a history of being a racist but this is over the top!

To watch a black comedian with a net worth of $70 million in a country with a majority white population whine about his victimhood is just pathetic. And for anyone who thinks it’s okay for Rock to spew this kind of hatred for whites in a video because he’s a ‘comedian,” you may want to watch this video (especially starting at the 3:10 mark) because there’s nothing funny about anything he has to say:

“My dad used to say: ‘You can’t beat white people at anything…nothing. But you can knock ’em out.’”

‘In my neighborhood, there’s like 3- 4 black people in my neighborhood in Alpine. It’s me, Gary Sheffield, Mary Jane Blige, Patrick Ewing. Hall of Famer, Hall of Famer, greatest R & B singer of our time. Who lives next to me? What’s the white man next to me? He’s a dentist. He didn’t invent anything, he’s just a dentist. That’s what America is.

(So, going to college and becoming a successful dentist is something that was ‘given’ to him?) Tell the third generation white coal miner about his ‘white privilege’ Chris. Tell the white single mom flipping burgers by day and cleaning hotel rooms by night about her “white privilege” Chris. Maybe, just maybe, if you took off your racist goggles for 5 minutes, you might see that blacks don’t have the market on victimhood.  

And if you think anything has changed since victim Chris Rock made this video, here is a video he made about the Confederate flag a few years ago. Watch as he attempts to mock every white person (or “cracker” as he calls them). The best line is when he calls Al Sharpton “Martin Luther King with a perm”:


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