“Comedian” Sarah Silverman Claims Donald Trump Has Gone “Full Hitler”

Like many liberals, Sarah Silverman mischaracterized what “nationalist” means after the president said at a campaign rally that he considers himself to be one.

After showing the clip of the president calling himself a nationalist, Silverman scoffed that she heard Trump use the “n-word,” and by that, she meant “nationalist.” She went on to say that he went “full Hitler” and insisted “his bigotry is no longer masked by his rhetoric.”

Naturally, she then prosaically linked Trump’s rally speech to the recent bomb scare, saying, “We cannot be surprised to wake up to bombs at the doors of his favorite targets.”

Silverman went on the attack against Christians, calling their religion a “shroud” to cover “hang-ups” and adding that the administration’s recent moves to protect religious freedom were only meant to hurt gay people and women. But, since she calls herself a “godless person,” perhaps her opinion of religion might not make her a trusted source?

Her Hulu series has been one long, extended, attack on Trump, Christians, Republicans, and conservatives.

Silverman, who claims to be a rabid feminist, recently got herself in trouble — even with her left-wing fans — when she admitted that she gave disgraced comedian Louis C.K. “permission” to masturbate in front of her. The one-time stand-up powerhouse lost his status as America’s top comic after it was revealed that he had harassed a number of female comedians over the years and had an admitted history of lewd behavior in front of women.

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This is the narriative they will continue to try and feed the people. They were convinced it would work during the election and despite that MASSIVE WIN (or failure depending on what side you’re on) for us they seem to still think it will work.

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