Comey and McCabe WILL Face Criminal Charges For Coup D’etat Against Trump

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy made an astounding statement regarding the futures of former FBI boss James Comey and Andrew McCabe.

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz is expected to release his report very soon on the alleged abuse of FISA in the fake Russia investigation.

McCarthy says that once this report is released, the American public will know that this was indeed an attempt at a coup d’etat to remove President Trump from office.

Fox News reports,

“We will see an indictment,” he said of McCabe, who is facing the prospect of federal charges after Horowitz faulted him in a separate inquiry over statements he made during a Hillary Clinton-related investigation. The review found that McCabe “lacked candor” when talking with investigators, but the former FBI official has denied wrongdoing. Washington, D.C., U.S. Attorney Jessie Liu recommended charges against McCabe after the DOJ rejected his appeal.

Comey was chastised in a recent report from Horowitz that discussed how Comey improperly maintained records of his conversations with President Trump, and leaked sensitive information about the investigation of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. While the report found that Comey violated department policy, the DOJ opted not to press charges. McCarthy believes that there will be more to come for Comey.

“In the end, I do not believe that Jim Comey will get off,” McCarthy predicted, adding, “Anyone that has had any association with trying to create this coup should be held accountable.”

Folks, we would be on the brink of pure socialism had Donald Trump not won the election and worked to expose how crooked the government truly is.

Think about it, Democrats disagree with a Republican president so they try to get rid of him. This is socialism at work.

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