Confederate flag removed, then Civil War museum closes

Nash Farm Battlefield and Museum announced plans to shut down on Tuesday after Dee Clemmons, Henry County Georgia District 2 Commissioner, requested that they remove the Confederate flags on display. The museum, which is owned by the county, is home to many relics from the time period and the Civil War itself, as well as a lot of local history for the area.

“These stories were told mainly through primary sources, sometimes secondary, but never tertiary sources. To exclude any Confederate flag would mean the historical value has been taken from our exhibits, and a fair interpretation could not be presented to each guest,” the Friends of Nash Farm Battlefield Inc. on the Nash Farm Battlefield Facebook page. “Confederate flags were on this hallowed ground, as were the Union flags. To remove either of them would be a dishonor.”

As written for The Henry Herald by Heather Middleton and Asia Ashley:

Bill Dodd is the museum’s curator and member of the Friends of Nash Farm group. He told the Herald Wednesday that the owner of the majority of the museum’s collection felt as though he was no longer welcome at the museum and did not have the support of Clemmons.

Dodd explained that over the last few months Clemmons has requested changes including the removal of an entrenchment replica used for living history tours and re-enactments.

“We did that,” Dodd said.

Weeks later, Dodd said a Henry County employee showed up on behalf of Clemmons and removed the Confederate battlefield flag from the flag pole. The employee took it into the museum and told volunteers they could display it only inside the museum.

“Two weeks ago Saturday, (Clemmons) came into the museum and stated that all Confederate flags needed to be removed,” Dodd said.

Dodd said the closing of the museum is a loss to the community.

“Over the years we’ve had more than 10,000 school children visit the battlefield for our living history program and visitors from 15 foreign countries and every state in the union,” Dodd said.

At this point, Dodd said he’s “done.”

Nash Farm Battlefield museum to close after commissioner requests removal of Confederate flags

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