President Trump has fought from the beginning to fix the United States immigration system and build a border wall to help protect the laws. He has even compromised with the Democrats on DACA. Instead of working with Trump and Republicans to help illegal immigrants, the left has sabotaged every move made in the effort. Democrats claim that Republicans want to separate parents and children on the border but it was former President Barack Obama’s policies that were doing that, particularly referring to pictures released from 2014 when a child was seen in what appeared to be a cage-like structure.
House Republicans have just put forth a “discussion draft” of a sweeping immigration bill that includes a path to citizenship for young immigrants (DACA), $25 billion in border security, which includes advance funds for President Trump’s wall with Mexico and a provision aimed at addressing the crisis of family separations at the border. It blindsided Democrats and delivers Trump a $25 billion border wall win. It has something for everyone. This measure sticks to Trump’s Four Pillars on immigration while attempting to bring together the two major political parties and moderate factions on an issue that has divided people for years. This is just the beginning and there is no guarantee it will succeed, but it’s the first step towards making progress on both granting citizenship while also protecting the border from people who wish to break the law.
Speaker Paul Ryan is calling for a vote by next week, so it can be laid to rest before the midterm elections. He called it a “very good compromise.” Some conservatives called it amnesty. No side will ever get everything they want, so this may be the path forward to get something done for a change. “Our members felt very, very passionate about having votes on policies they care about, and that is what we are doing,” Ryan said earlier Thursday. “So we’re bringing legislation that’s been carefully crafted and negotiated to the floor. We won’t guarantee passage.”
The bill is 293 pages long. It is a very ambitious overhaul of the immigration system. It shifts away from the nation’s longtime preference for family immigration to a new system that prioritizes entry based on merits and skills. It beefs up border security, clamps down on illegal entries and reinforces other immigration laws. The bill addresses concerns over the sharp rise of families being separated at the border. It proposes keeping children in detention with their parents, undoing 2-decade-old rules that limit the time minors can be held in custody. The White House sought the change on this.