Crazy Liberal Comes UNGLUED After See Man’s MAGA Sticker – Hit And Run!

An alleged hit and run involving a woman who potentially targetted a man because of what’s on his back windshield has resulted in an arrest almost a month after the incident took place.

25-year-old Chloe Wright was hit with charges of assault with a dangerous weapon after she allegedly crashed her car into a man’s jeep and took off. The man claims that the woman screamed cuss words at him, called him a racist, and hit allegedly his Jeep with her car because he had a “Trump” bumper sticker on his back windshield.

If liberals are trying to say that they are the loving and tolerant bunch, then incidents like this obvious meltdown sure aren’t helping their cause. If someone is triggered by a sticker and risks causing a severe accident on the road just because they disagree with the sticker, then what does that say about the person who melted? Not much and certainly doesn’t speak well of being tolerant.

Daily Mail stated: “A Massachusetts woman has been arrested for allegedly ramming a man’s Jeep after becoming enraged by his bumper sticker supporting for President Donald Trump, in an incident that was caught on video.

Chloe Wright, from Taunton, appeared in court on Monday and pleaded not guilty to a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon.

The 25-year-old also faces charges of vandalizing property and leaving the scene of property damage.

The incident took place on June 30, but Wright was only taken into custody a month later after being pulled over during a traffic stop.

The victim, who was identified by WBZ only as Brendan, said he was driving in Hyannis on the evening of June 30 and was stopped at a red light when the driver behind him began honking the horn.

At the next red light, Brendan said he could hear the female driver behind him screaming something.

Concerned that there might be something wrong with his SUV, Brendan pulled over and stepped out of the vehicle.

The other driver, later identified as Wright, asked Brendan, ‘Did you vote for Trump?’

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