D.C. Council Member Thinks Rothschild’s Control The Weather

D.C. city council member  Trayon White Sr. said some off-the-wall crazy sh*t in reaction to a little snowfall hitting the city, showing some possible anti-Semitic colors in the process.

“Man, it just started snowing out of nowhere this morning, man. Y’all better pay attention to this climate control, man, this climate manipulation,” White said in the video. “And D.C. keep talking about, ‘We a resilient city.’ And that’s a model based off the Rothschilds controlling the climate to create natural disasters they can pay for to own the cities, man. Be careful.”

This made Rabbi Daniel Zemel of the Temple Micah speak up, denouncing White’s statement:

“This kind of anti-Semitism is unacceptable in any public official. This so diminishes what America is about and adds to the oppressive feeling going on in the country right now,” Zemel said. “We all have to be better. Public officials have to learn not to say the first ignorant thing that comes into their head.”

Though the council member did eventually apology, it makes you wonder… right?

“I work hard everyday to combat racism and prejudices of all kinds. I want to apologize to the Jewish Community and anyone I have offended,” he said. “The Jewish community have been allies with me in my journey to help people. I did not intend to be anti-Semitic, and I see I should not have said that after learning from my colleagues.”

D.C. Council member Brianne K. Nadeau, who is also Jewish released a statement as well: “It is my sincere hope that my colleague has learned from this experience, and that together we can serve the diverse people of the District of Columbia with a focus on lifting each other up, rather than tearing one another down.”

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