There is a growing movement in the public and liberal education sector to make sure your little children “know that they’re racist” and that you teach them about how oppressive they are.
One such childcare chain is doing this and not even trying to hide it.
“Your child belongs in our circle,” they claim.
And that sphere — which welcomes every “sexual identity” and “family structure” — is one of social justice.
The KinderCare website states on their page:
Define the difference between equality and equity. To put it simply: Equality is when everyone gets the same thing. Equity is when everyone gets what they need to be successful. Together with your child, come up with three ways that equity helps us achieve equality!
The way that they define the terms is true, but misleading.
When we look at our society and our economy, there is an equality of opportunity across the board. Everyone has the same opportunity to do the same things for the most part. If you want to become a doctor, the tools are out there…go get them and work hard and you’ll become a doctor.
What liberals actually want is equality of outcome in which anyone who want to be a doctor can be a doctor. That’s not what we really want because not everyone has what it takes or is knowledgeable enough to be a doctor.
This ideology has been passed along in the public school system in which no child should be held back a grade because of their performance in school. I hate that we as a society have made it such a bad thing to be held back when a child needs more education about something. But today, they’re dumbing down the system so that absolutely everyone can complete school even if they did their work and learned what they were supposed to.
The way that they define equity leads you to an idea where everyone is given whatever they need to get their desired result instead of working for it. In reality, equity is more about being given the same opportunities to get the same result across the board. This too is something we already have according to the way it should really be defined.
Also, on the site is a note about telling parents to point of stereotypes and biases to their preschool children, “when you see them in media and books (for example, who is and isn’t represented in roles like doctors, lawyers, firefighters, villains, and heroes).”
I disagree with this. If we don’t teach racism and stereotypes, they don’t learn them. It’s that simple. Children are not born racist. My child is not racist and that’s because we don’t teach him or speak in racist ways. He’s never heard me refer to a black person because that’s not how I speak of them. If I asked him right now what a black person is, he’d have no idea or he’d maybe say it’s someone who is wearing all black.
The little remark about finding who isn’t represented in a piece of media is utterly ridiculous. If it’s a photo of a doctor, do we really need every single people group represented there? In a TV show, do we really need every ethnic group and social class represented in the show? No, that’s stupid.