Bernie Sanders, failed presidential hopeful, really went full-blown crazy today ramping up fear-mongering by making the statement that “thousands will die” “if the healthcare bill passed today”.
Of course he doesn’t give a darn about people who suffering under Obamacare, and who would die if the government were given complete control of the healthcare of the American people.
Sanders said “Maybe when we get to the Senate we should start off with looking at the Australian healthcare system or the Canadian healthcare system which guarantees healthcare to all people at a much lower cost per capita than we do..”
“Do you believe that the president is deliberately misleading or do you think he just doesn’t understand or simply misinformed”, asked Anderson.
“You know Anderson you know think about I mean it’s unfortunate that you’ll have to ask that question is he lying or does he not know what he’s talking about I don’t know the answer to that but it’s pretty pathetic whatever the case may”, replied Sanders.