Dems Panicking! ‘Full-Scale’ Probe Into Their Smear Against Kavanaugh About To Explode

Democrats set themselves up by screaming for an investigation. It just blew up in their faces as Sen. Graham says he’ll make sure there is a full-scale probe into Dems smear campaign efforts.

Senator Lindsey Graham has the Democrats in a virtual panic. Graham shredded Democrats during the Kavanaugh hearings saying they used to be his friends and that all they care about now is hurting Trump, stalling Kavanaugh’s confirmation and the 2020 election. But if they thought that was a one-off for Lindsey, they were sadly mistaken.

Graham is now calling for an investigation into the Senate Judiciary Committee’s management of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations, accusing Democrats of handling her accusations so as to inflict maximum damage on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. He’s right of course. This was politically choreographed to the hilt.

Lindsey Graham stands a very good chance of becoming the chair of the Judiciary Committee in January if Chuck Grassley steps aside and Republicans retain control of the Senate. And Graham is saying he won’t forget this betrayal by the Democrats. I believe him. He’ll make sure a full-scale probe into the left’s smears against Kavanaugh blows up all over the Democrats.

As Recorded By RWN:

“The FBI will do a supplemental background investigation, then I’m going to call for an investigation of what happened in this committee,” Graham told George Stephanopoulos on ABC News. “Who betrayed Dr. Ford’s trust? Who in Feinstein’s office recommended Katz as a lawyer? Why did Ms. Ford not know that the committee was willing to go to California?”

“We’re going to do a wholesale, full-scale investigation of what I think was a despicable process to deter it from happening again,” Graham added. If I were the Democrats I’d take that to heart, but of course, they won’t. I think Lindsey is dead serious about this. Big surprises come in little packages and this one is about to deliver a possibly fatal political blow to the Democrats.

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