America’s first black president, Barack Obama couldn’t be bothered when it came to commuting the sentence of Alice Johnson, a black, 63-yr-old great-grandmother, and first-time drug offender. Even though he was asked 3 times by her family to consider her case…Barack Obama couldn’t be bothered.
On May 24, 2018, Presiden Trump issued a posthumous pardon for the heavyweight champion boxer, and black iconic sports figure, Jack Johnson. Former President Obama was asked but refused to pardon Jack Johnson.
The black community in America is taking notice. Patricia Dickson tweeted about how Obama ignored the pleas of both of the Johnsons families:
“We have learned that Obama, America’s first black President, refused to pardon Jack Johnson when he was petitioned by Johnson’s family and friends. We now know that Alice Johnson’s family petitioned Obama THREE times and he refused to grant her clemency as well.”
We have learned that Obama, America's first black President, refused to pardon Jack Johnson when he was petitioned by Johnson's family and friends. We now know that Alice Johnson's family petitioned Obama THREE times and he refused to grant her clemency as well.
— Patricia Dickson (@Patrici15767099) June 8, 2018
Today, President Trump announced that the 63-year-old grandmother, Alice Johnson, a first time offender who was given a life sentence with no chance of parole, over a non-violent drug charge, would be released from prison after he commuted her sentence.
Alice Johnson was ecstatic. First, she thanked Jesus Christ and then she thanked President Trump.
“I want to, first of all, thank my Lord and Savior, thank Jesus Christ. Without Him, I can do nothing, but with Him, I can do everything! I want to thank President Donald John Trump. Hallelujuah! For giving me another chance to live and restoring me to my family.”
BBC reports – I first began communicating with Ms. Johnson as she waited to hear whether or not she’d been approved under President Barack Obama’s Clemency Initiative in 2014, where he pardoned 231 prisoners. She easily met all of the criteria, she had a spotless disciplinary record and even her own warden felt that she deserved to go home. Unfortunately, according to the Obama regime, Johnson didn’t “fit all of the criteria” for the former president’s clemency project, and was rejected just days before Obama’s term ended.