Big Tech is actively trying to censor us, so let me make sure you’re aware of what you’re about to read in this article…
Certain words trigger the tech giants to censor our content or to penalize us for talking about certain things. That’s why I’ve got to be very careful about how I word what I say.
This is why you see words misspelled, in parenthesis using a different term, or anything else that may look a bit odd about the way I’m spelling something in some of our articles.
So since the beginning of the pandemic, there has been a lot of speculation as to what exactly started the whole thing.
There have been a number of theories, but there hasn’t been anything “concrete” to really laser in on one theory over another.
The first theory that I heard about it all was that it started when someone ate some sort of bat soup which I guess was a delicacy in China. You can count me out of that one. I’m not eating a nasty bat.
Then on a related note, the next theory that popped up was that it started in a local food market which is known for its unsanitary conditions. Videos circulated around at that time showing the market and just how filthy it really was and they ended up blaming it for the (forbidden illness).
“The origin of the new (forbidden illness) is the wildlife sold illegally in a Wuh@n seafood market,” Gao Fu, director of China Center for Disease Control and Prevention, told a briefing in January, shortly after Beijing announced the outbreak. Gao’s agency claimed as evidence that, of 33 samples taken from early patients that month, 31 were directly traceable back to the part of the market where individuals sold wildlife for eating.
This was later debunked by Chinese scientists.
Then finally, you all know the other theory of how it originated in a l@b. Everyone on the left tried to debunk this as some sort of conspiracy theory, but maybe there is more to it, because Dr. Anthony Fauci seems to even be hinting that it could have been man-made.
When asked, “That has been the subject for a lot of our fact-checking on the coronavirus for the past year. There’s a lot of cloudiness around the origins of (forbidden illness) still. So I wanted to ask are you still confident that (forbidden illness) developed naturally?“
Dr. Fauci replied, “No actually, that’s the point that I said. And I think that the real unfortunate aspect of what Senator Paul did was he was conflating research in a collaborative way with Chinese scientists which was — you’d almost have to say that if we did not do that then we’d be almost irresponsible because SARS-COV-1 clearly originated in China… So we really had to learn a whole lot about the viruses that were there, about whether or not people were getting infected with bad viruses. So in a very minor collaboration as part of a sub-contract as part of a grant, we had a collaboration with some Chinese scientists. And what he conflated that was that we were involved in creating the virus. Which is the most ridiculous majestic leap I’ve ever heard of.”