Entire Border Wall Could Be Paid For Through Illegals – Should Trump Do This?

The debate on President Trump’s border wall rages on. Some of it has been paid for and construction has already begun, but billions more are needed to complete the project. I have said from the very beginning that there are multiple ways to fund building the wall.

If our leaders did what they are supposed to, they would just approve the entire $18 billion or so that Trump has requested. After all, it is a significantly lower amount in comparison to what we actually pay to have illegal aliens here in the first place. But as long as progressive Republicans benefit from cheap labor and Marxist Democrats benefit from padded voter rolls, it’s not likely to come from our politicos unless something radically changes or gives.

There is a way that pays for the wall that does not involve Mexico or US taxpayers paying for it. It’s so simple, even a bureaucrat should be able to embrace the idea. If we just close the border and don’t let any more illegal immigrants sit on the federal dole and get free bennies, the wall would be self-funding. That’s right, but there are those who are asking if Trump should do this.

Heck yeah, he should. The brilliance here is in the simplicity of the move. A number of recent immigration studies show that the $18 billion or so wall that President Trump has in the works will pay for itself by curbing the importation of not only crime and drugs, but poverty. Not to mention the elimination of federal welfare for illegal immigrants which should not exist in the first place.

“The wall could pay for itself even if it only modestly reduced illegal crossings and drug smuggling,” Steven A. Camarota, director of research at the Center for Immigration Studies stated. Even the rusty, poorly constructed two-story corrugated metal fence in El Paso, Texas has reduced illegal immigration by 89 percent over the five-year period during which it was built.

That was constructed under the Bush administration. The wall that Trump is building is better constructed and is built in such a way as to deter even more illegal immigrants from even trying to scale it. Democrats, of course, want any company even submitting a bid on the wall to be blacklisted, but capitalism wins out every time in this country. So does innovation.

Without the wall and security, the Homeland Security Department forecasts an additional 1.7 million illegal crossings at the US-Mexico border over the next decade. I think that is a severe underestimation of an invading force trying to make its way into the United States, encouraged by the new Mexican president.

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