Thursday night, Eric Trump sat down with Fox News host Sean Hannity in order to address the “hypocrisy” of the media when it comes to what they perceive as dangerous rhetoric against themselves as they ignore the fact that their own anti-Trump rhetoric is putting the whole Trump clan in danger.
All this came about when the called reporter Jim Acosta form the controversial news network, CNN, was heckled at a Trump rally earlier this week. The media didn’t seem to hesitate to draw this incident out and use it to attack President Trump once again, who is only drawing attention to how the media seems dishonest when a Republican president is in office.
The information in the interview revealed by Eric led to Hannity asking if his family had been threatened. His reply, explaining a specific recent and horrific attack lft viewers stunned. It didn’t get much media attention, if at all, when it should have been major headlines news.
Eric confirmed to Hannity that not just his family, but many of the Trumps had received “White Power” at their homes.
Here is more via the Daily Wire:
“In a discussion with Fox News host Sean Hannity Thursday, Eric Trump addressed the “hypocrisy” of the media when it comes to dangerous rhetoric. Amid reckless, over-the-top rhetoric from many in the media, he said, his whole family has “had white powder show up at our house.”
“The hypocrisy is unlike anything you can imagine,” said Trump. “You have them attacking Barron, you have them attacking Tiffany, you have them attacking our entire family. You have them spewing garbage every single day on CNN and all these other networks about my father. Covering nonsense while forgetting about the fact that our economy grew at 4.1%, that we have the lowest unemployment in history, that jobs are coming back to the country, that the stock market’s at a record high… So they spew nonsense all day, then little Jim Acosta gets belittled at a rally and all of a sudden I’m holier than [thou].”
“Without details, has your family been threatened?” asked Hannity.
“I’ve been threatened, our family’s been threatened — all of us. We’ve all had white powder show up at our house,” he said. “There’s no moral outrage about that.”