Fareed Zakaria: Trump Is ‘A Class Rebellion Against People Like Us’

Fareed Zakaria of the “Nothing Burger” CNN “explains” how President Donald Trump “rose to power”… ugh…

“The election of Donald Trump is really a kind of class rebellion against people like us, educated professionals who live in cities, who have cosmopolitan views about things,” Zakaria said.

“There’s a part of America that is sick and tired of being told what to do by this overeducated population that Hillary Clinton perfectly represented. That’s why they’re sticking with him,” he continued.

Zakaria also blamed racism and diversity on Trump’s rise.

“He knew that the election of a black president had stirred a kind of ugly racial animus. A small subset but he knew how to get them” Zakaria said.


“A real sense of cultural alienation, older, white, noncollege education Americans have, a sense that their country is changing because of immigrants. Because maybe blacks are rising up to a central place in society, because gays being afforded equal rights. Because of, frankly, working women. Everybody is muscling in on the territory that the white working man had,” Zakaria said.

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