Father Will Not Walk His Daughter Down The Aisle – Plans Something Extra Special For Her

Most fathers look forward to the day when they can walk their daughter down the aisle on her wedding day. Mark Williams, however, won’t be walking his daughter down the aisle — and the reason why is truly touching.

On Christmas Eve in 2009, Mark and his wife Michelle received horrible news that their 4-year-old daughter, Chloe, had cancer.

“I remember going to the family’s room on the 24th of December to have to tell them their daughter had a brain tumor,” said Dr. Alex Levy, a childhood cancer specialist at the Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children in Orlando, Fla.

Williams asked Levy if he would ever get the chance to walk his daughter down the aisle.

In a 2012 video from the hospital, which recently resurfaced, the heartwarming reason for Williams’ decision is explained.

Watch the touching video below.

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It’s stuff like this that reminds us why this time of year is so important. Hug your kids and loved ones extra tight. Shout out in the comments below and tell us what special thing you have going for Christmas with your family. We’d love to hear from you!

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