Robby Mook, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign manager, detailed a rather old story about his former boss during a podcast this week called “Party People”.
Mook responded, “I remember on the plane, she had this lawn chair. And so you’re on an airplane, right?”
“It was like those lawn chairs that you fold up and you put a beer in? And she would always like, every time I traveled on the plane, she’d be like, ‘Robby, pull out the chair!’”
“And I’d, like, set up this chair in the middle and she would kind of, like, wrap herself up in a blanket. And you know, we would just, like, kick it!”
“And she would talk about, like, you know, Netflix and like, shows. I don’t know! That’s the Hillary that I know.”
He also claims to know nothing about the funding of the everyday-more-so debunked Trump Dossier compiled by Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele.
As reported by The Hill:
Hillary Clinton‘s former campaign manager Robby Mook said on Friday evening that he did not know who funded the controversial, unverified dossier about President Trump, despite revelations that the law firm representing the campaign sponsored the document.
“I didn’t know that we were paying the contractor that created that document,” Mook told CNN’s Anderson Cooper.
“When we started to look into Donald Trump’s business dealings, it was this massive tree of LLCs and shell companies. We were overwhelmed, we were on it, frankly,” he continued.
“I asked our lawyer and I gave him a budget allocation to investigate this, particularly the international aspect. My understanding is that dossier is the product of not just research that was funded by our campaign, but also by Republican donors,” he said.
Mook added that the campaign received briefings from the law firm during the campaign.