Former Press Secretary: Trump was RIGHT to ban Jim Acosta

It’s no secret that CNN’s Jim Acosta was booted from the White House for what some are calling unethical behavior. And a lot of people are backing Donald Trump on this, even former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer.

via TRS: Of course the reason that the White House gave was that Acosta “placed his hands” on the young woman trying to get the mic back from Acosta after Trump told him to sit down. That was garbage. Acosta barely touched her and there was no need to even bring it up, especially when the biggest reason – Acosta being an ass – was all that was needed.

This morning, former Bush White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer weighed in on it and said he totally agrees with Trump banning Acosta after his outbursts yesterday.

Ari is exactly right that the contact was incidental and, as he put it, a ‘false reason’ that the White House used to ban Acosta.

Rather, Ari believes the White House really banned Acosta because they were fed up with his constant editorializing. As he points out, that’s not the job of a White House reporter. They are to be fair and neutral and that is not what Acosta was doing.

So yes, he supports the ban and I do too.

I would add to what Fleischer said by pointing out that Acosta wasn’t just giving his opinion, but was using it to argue with and bully the president. That’s really what got him into trouble.

Trump was right when he called out Acosta yesterday, saying CNN should be embarrassed to have him as a reporter. Acosta is nothing more than a pundit masquerading as a ‘fair and balanced’ White House reporter.

I hope Acosta’s ban is permanent because I will be glad to never see him again in these press briefings.

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