Just for the record, I have never been a big fan of Chris Wallace. I disagree with his analysis of the facts and the news very frequently. He has always struck me as being anti-Trump and very divisive at Fox News… almost proudly so. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, on the other hand, has been transparent, honest and upfront especially when it comes to the recent border wall issue and the Democrats.
Wallace appears to be acting as an apologist for the Democrats here saying that Trump should fund those agencies on the border the left has no issue with and give up the wall. Gee, spoken almost like a stealth leftist.
When he queried Sanders on Trump’s words on the wall, Wallace was downright hostile and rude towards her… doing everything but calling her and the president a liar. This really ticked off a lot of Fox News viewers who are now calling for Wallace to be fired. I don’t think he should be fired, but I do think you have to take his reporting of the news for what it is… subjective opinion, not unbiased factual reporting.
From The Federalist Papers via The Hill:
In an interview with Sanders on Sunday, Wallace took on the claim, made by Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, that thousands of “special interest aliens” have been stopped at the border.
“But special interest aliens are just people who have come from countries that have ever produced a terrorist, they’re not terrorists themselves,” Wallace said. He also cited a State Department report saying that there has been no “credible evidence” of terrorists crossing the southern border from Mexico.
Sanders stood by the claim, saying that the southern border is the “most vulnerable point of entry.”
“We know that, roughly, nearly 4,000 known or suspected terrorists come into our country illegally, and we know that our most vulnerable point of entry is at our southern border,” she said, before Wallace cut her off.
“Do you know where those 4,000 people come, where they are captured?” Wallace responded. “Airports … the state department says there hasn’t been any terrorists found coming across the southern border.”
Sanders then suggested that an “influx” of “terrorists” would flow through the border without increased security, such as Trump’s proposed border wall.
“I’m not disagreeing with you that they’re coming through airports,” she said. “I’m saying that they come by air by land and by sea, and the more and more that our border becomes vulnerable and the less and less that we spend time and money protecting it the more that we’re going to have an influx, not just of terrorists, but of human traffickers and drug inflow.”
Everything Sanders said here was factual and undebatable as far as I’m concerned. Terrorists, gang bangers, human traffickers, murderers and other criminals are all coming over that border. That’s what happens when you don’t have a wall and that is why if you can’t control your borders, you aren’t a sovereign nation. Perhaps Wallace should go toe to toe with the Border Patrol instead of savaging Sanders like this. It’s disgraceful.