Gov. Scientist: Twump Wuz Mean To Me

Joel Clement, A Department of the Interior (DOI) official, appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe for some reason and accused President Trump and his administration of “demoting him” because of his political beliefs.

“I work on the effects of climate change upon … Alaskan native villages that are poised on the brink of permafrost in Alaska. The next superstorm could take them right out,” Clement told Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski. “The three villages that I mentioned [in the WaPo op-ed] are about to melt out into the Arctic Ocean.”

“This led to a retaliation on their part,” he said. “And I have to say, the job they reassigned me to is the office that collects royalty checks from the fossil fuel industry. So it was a very blatant reassignment of the climate change guy.”

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