Hamas is a truly sickening organization. This isn’t the first time they’ve done this either.
During the Israel/Hamas war, in the summer of 2014, Staff Sgt. Oron Shaul and Lt. Hadar Goldin were allegedly KIA and their bodies held by Hamas as “Barganing chips”. Though, Hamas continues to “imply” that the men are still alive.
This past Thursday, they released a “music video” for the families of the deceased soldiers showing images of them next to images of their mothers.
The lyrics in the video read in part:
“Mother, Mother I’m here. Why are they saying that I’m dead?…Mother, Mother, the state is responsible for the lost ones. A day will come when those responsible will be judged…Mom, Dad, I’m in the prison of the Qassam Brigades. Do all you can so the truth will come out.”
Hamas releases Hebrew video taunting parents of Lt. Hadar Goldin and Staff Sgt. Oron Shaul, whose bodies are being held by the terror group. https://t.co/BkGA6rSX3V
— Judah Ari Gross (@JudahAriGross) April 20, 2017
Despite the fact that Shaul and Goldin are very likely deceased, Hamas continues to use them as props in their war against Israel.
كتائب القسام تنشر أغنية باللغة العبرية لعائلتي الجنديين الأسيرين شاؤول أرون وهادار جولدن أن حكومة الاحتلال تكذب عليهم. pic.twitter.com/s8F9Ih7FAv
— شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) April 20, 2017