Hooters Restaurant Comes Under Attack By Kids…Wait Until You See Why

Pranks and tricks are par for the course on Halloween. Most are innocent, therefore nobody is hurt. Even though removing a few hundred yards of toilet paper from trees is annoying, kids appear to feel it is their birthright to carry out such acts of childish innocence. I think that there are just some things in life that we should be able to put up with albeit annoying.

However, the jokes lose their humor when they do harm to individuals or property. Given that chocolate is a mainstay of Halloween, it makes sense that a Hooters in Plano, Texas, would set up a special bar in honor of the forthcoming joyous festival.

Whatever the motivation, the chocolate bar was provided for customers’ use. It wasn’t intended for a group of teenagers and kids to loot it. However, a bunch of kids decided that stealing the Hooters chocolate bar would be cute, and the situation got way out of control.

This band of “chocolate raiders” attacked customers and staff. As they left, windows were smashed. This was a violent attack, not a funny prank. One staff member was kneed in the head while he knelt down. The Plano Police Department is asking for information on the attackers.

America is suffering from an ever-increasing sense that violence is okay. There is an alarming trend growing that no matter what people do, there will be few if any consequences. Our young people see this. They have been emboldened like never before.

Criminal activity, even perceived childhood mischief, must carry consequences. If not, then this disturbing trend will not only continue, but it will get worse. Instead of creating havoc over a chocolate bar at a restaurant, these young people will be robbing, looting, even killing.

They’ll be conditioned to think that every day is their own special “trick or treat.” Consequences provide a deterrent to bad behavior. We can only hope the Plano, Texas, Hooters tricksters receive some harsh consequences. Maybe a little “chocolate behind bars” is in order for these thugs.

Photo Credit: Mike Mozart

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