Hot Mic Caught What Marine Vet Whispered To Trump At White House – Trump Had Priceless Response

President Donald Trump had an event in which some of America’s most prominent business leaders were in attendance. This took place at the White House and was called the Pledge to America’s Workers Event. Some of the biggest names in huge industries were there, but it was what one Marine said when he put down the mic that got everyone caught off guard. Even better, Trump’s priceless response was well received. The looks on the faces of the crowd as they smiled upon the President spoke volumes as well.

People love Trump and there’s no debating it. People smile and laugh when he’s in the room. They admire his straight-forward approach, they acknowledge that he loves America, and people even love his funny comments on Twitter. The conversation he had here was just another day for the president as he and the Marine received a brisk round of applause while the hot mic caught it all.

This just goes to show you don’t ever fully know who is in your audience. Trump sure found out, but he was probably very glad to hear what the man said – just like the people surrounding him at the moment looked happy to hear it as well.

We can all thank people like Chris Cortez, the man in the video who puts the mic down to tell Trump something, but he should have kept it up the whole time. This was something everyone should hear. Trump’s reply was great.

There’s a good chance that a liberal will turn this into a horror story. Don’t let them.

Scroll to the 27-minute mark to see the exchange.

“I served 33 years in the Marines,” Cortez told Trump in hushed tones.

“Whoa, that’s fantastic,” Trump responded.

“I served with John Kelly and Jim Mattis,” Cortez continued, “and you got two one good ones.”

Trump shook the man’s hand saying, “Very good. You’re right. They’re great. They’re great. Thank you very much. Thank you.”

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