From Fox News Insider: “Tucker Carlson blasted Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand over her “circular reasoning” for why Judge Brett Kavanaugh is allegedly guilty of a 1982 sexual assault, and the Democrat’s hypocrisy on the matter.
“Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) said at a press conference that “I believe [accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford] because she’s telling the truth. She’s asking for the FBI to investigate her claims.”
“Carlson said Gillibrand’s remarks are an example that political discourse has “metastasized into something ugly and something threatening to all of us.”
“He said he is not litigating the validity of Ford’s claim, but rather the way people like Gillibrand are using it.
“Carlson asked the audience to recognize the “pure demagoguery of the moment” involving Gillibrand.
“He said that her ‘I believe her because she’s telling the truth’ is an example of “circular reasoning — [a] demand you believe something because someone else is asserting it.”
“Children talk this way, you’d think as a U.S. Senator, [Gillibrand] would be embarrassed to,” he said.”
At a press conference this past week, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand said the Brett Kavanaugh allegation hearing was being rushed by the Senate Judiciary Committee, and that it wasn’t being afforded even the same basic due process that Anita Hill’s allegation was in 1991.
Gillibrand also noted that the Senate Judicial Committee is also refusing any witness testimonials during the hearing, including those from Christine Ford’s husband, therapist, and Kavanaugh’s high school classmate, Mark Judge. As she grew increasingly desperate, Gillibrand asked the American people to consider one question: “What are they afraid of?” Nothing senator… they just want the truth here and a smidgen of sanity.
Ford’s accusation that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her 36 years ago actually fell apart late Saturday when the final witness Ford identified failed to back her story. In a Saturday evening email, an attorney representing Ford’s former classmate, Leland Ingham Keyser, stated that his client “does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without Dr. Ford.”