According to The Free Thought Project, The Matrix movie series was one of the most revolutionary works of art to ever come out of Hollywood. Its pro-humanity, anti-authoritarian message instantly made it a classic and it has since become the subject of internet memes and (red pill) movements alike. At the center of this silver-screen revolution is Keanu Reeves whose real-life heroism makes his role as Neo that much more incredible.
Reeves has managed to distance himself from the dark side of Hollywood and it’s been easy for him, simply because he has a huge heart. Reeves has been spotted all over the place—not in photo opportunity pr stunts—but in real-life scenarios being a genuinely good person.
One scenario, in particular, is getting some attention after a woman posted her amazing story about Reeves on Facebook and backed it up with photos.
This story begins as Chris Johnston was visiting California to watch her boyfriend Ned play in a softball tournament. However, because Johnston was such a huge Keanu Reeves fan, she decided to blow of the tournament and instead go see the home of Reeves.
Johnston’s cousin lived in the area and knew that she was a big Reeves fan, so the duo came up with a plan to go check out his home. However, they did more than just check it out.
“We climbed the wrought iron fence to his property, walked up the winding driveway to his home,” explained Johnston. “Knocked on the open door, that he could not hear us knock on because he was playing guitar with his back to the door.”
As Johnston explains, when Reeves finally turned around to see them, he wasn’t startled and simply asked them, “who are you and how did you get here?”
The two women explained to Reeves what they had done and how big of fans they were and that’s when something really excellent happened.
Most other Hollywood stars who notice two trespassers on their property would have called the police, immediately hit a panic button, or forced their security to remove them.