There was near-hysterical coverage from the recent “March for Our Lives” event capitalizing on the sad events that happened at Margory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL that left 17 people without life, and the constant pushing of a media narrative otherwise it seems most Americans are clearly not willing to give up their ability to self-defense.
Those students that pledged at over 300 schools, in turn, rose to the occasion responding to Riley’s battle cry, pledging to “Stand for the Second” in their respective locations.
Students around the country walked out of class in support of the Second Amendment on Wednesday. The walkout was part of Riley’s “Stand for the Second” event – a nationwide call to counter nonstop anti-2A campaigns with a walkout in support of the Second Amendment and our founding principles.
Riley wrote an op-ed for the Washington Examiner in April explaining why he felt he this protest was necessary –
“For the past month, Americans have been subjected to wall-to-wall cable news coverage of a well-orchestrated campaign to dismantle the Second Amendment. This campaign…has exploited a handful of grieving teens from the Parkland, Fla., high school s******g tragedy.
As a high school senior in Carlsbad, N.M., who supports 2A rights, I am disgusted by how these students and their adult handlers are trying to define my generation. My generation is not anti-Second Amendment. My generation does not agree with retired Justice John Paul Stevens that the Second Amendment should be repealed.
It’s time the media starts hearing from the millions of young Americans who respect the Constitution and recognize that the Second Amendment is fundamental to our protection and safety, as both individuals, and as a nation.”
Americans should never forget that the goal is and will always be total disarmament. However, the Marion Star reported approximately 150 middle school students at Caledonia, Ohio’s River Valley Middle School walked out in support of 2A rights.
NBC 52 reports that students in Portland, Oregon, and Chicago, Illinois walked out as well. An excellent showing considering Oregon is currently pushing for a full firearms ban and Chicago has some of the more restrictive firearms ownership laws in the country despite the McDonald v. the City of Chicago ruling.
Students said they want to show that not all students are in favor of restricting access to firearms. In Portland Oregon, students gathered outside one of seven Portland-area schools that participated in the walkout. In the Chicago area, nearly a dozen high schools also supported the walkout. Organizers said they hope the 16-minute demonstration will bring attention to those who want to protect the rights that are in the U.S. Constitution.
CNN reported that students in New York walked out to “Stand for the Second” as well. It’s no wonder, as literally the least free state in the nation, with a recently implemented registry where it is quite literally less of a crime to be a pedophile than it is to be caught with a magazine with a capacity of more than 10 rounds. They referenced Lane Cooper, a junior in NY’s Schoharie Central School District, who walked out and took part in discussions on how private ownership is meant to repel tyranny. Cooper expressed there were way too many anti-2A laws already.