Jeff Flake Wants To Make A 2020 Run Against Trump

A soon-to-be-retired Senator, Jeff Flake, has hinted at a possible run for the Presidency in 2020.

“I, as you know, am retiring from the Senate at the end of this year. It has not been my plan to run for president, but I have not ruled it out. I hope that someone does run in the Republican primary – somebody to challenge the president. I think that the Republicans want to be reminded what it means to be a traditional, decent Republican, and what the Party stands for – limited government, economic freedom, free trade, embracing immigration.”

“These are things that have made the Party what it is over the years, and I think that people are wanting to hear that reminder. So I don’t know who it will be – I think the odds that I will are long, but I’ve not ruled it out.”

He’s been making some waves recently, even once saying that he was a rare breed of Conservative.

“I stand before you today the rarest of species,” the retiring moderate Republican said at the start of his speech. “The American Conservative.”

Americanus Never-Trumpus, subgenus RINO,” he joked. “There is a scurrilous rumor afoot that we’re not only rare but endangered. I don’t believe it!”

“But seriously, when the putatively conservative party loses its grasp on the meaning of basic terms –basically, the word conservative– that could just be a sign we’ve taken a wrong turn,” he said.

“Say, hypothetically in 2018 we have a libertine budget-busting president who exudes chaos and dotes on authoritarians, who has replaced the State Dept. with Twitter, lives in a golden palace when he’s not at the White House, and he’s the conservative… And I’m the RINO.”

“The amazing thing is that in Washington right now, among people in my party, when you hear those two comparative profiles, people will say… yeah what’s the problem? It is like Invasion of the Body Snatchers. What have we done with all the conservatives?”

“In seriousness though, we have a long road to recover as a party.

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